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Photo Gallery

Photo Gallery

We offer a complete photography solution for our clients - be it aerial (using drones, aircraft or mast), from the ground or water, covering events, projects, product photography or portraits - we can do it all! Below are a few examples of our work, in low resolution. You can also visit our Instagram and Facebook pages for many more examples.

Aerial Landscapes

We have thousands of stunning aerial landscapes in our library. We can shoot to order or clients can select from our stock library. We can also offer stills alongside filming projects. Our social media pages are regularly updated with our photos so follow us to see shots hot off the press.


Ground-based Landscapes

From all angles, using an array of lenses and equipment, we’ve got it covered!


Event Photography

From the air, ground-based, on-water and underwater… we capture the action! We have a wealth of experience filming and photographing at events of all kinds (including weddings) and can offer the photography as a stand-alone service or in addition to filming.


Products, Portraits, Groups & Reportage

Whatever it is you’d like captured we have decades of experience to draw from in arranging and displaying products or groups - large and small, from close up or afar…. cars, hotel rooms, machinery, bottles, real estate, groups - you name it! We also know how to interact with people and creatures from all walks of life to capture the best reportage and portrait photography.


Business & Commercial

All businesses large and small - from all levels!